Aurora Videos
A running index of promotional and educational videos produced at Aurora. Enjoy!

Aurora Pass: user-friendly Web3 digital wallet
Aurora Labs introduces Aurora Pass: the user-friendly Web3 digital wallet for mobile-first businesses. Seamlessly embrace blockchain, collaborate across entities, and unlock new possibilities. Simplify onboarding, securely sign transactions, and enhance customer experiences. Join the revolution today!

Aurora Cloud: Blockchain for the Real World
Aurora Labs Launches Turnkey Blockchain Solution for Businesses Transitioning to Web3 Aurora Cloud is the all-in-one infrastructure solution bridging Web2 and Web3.

Alex Shevchenko’s talk at Consensus 2023
The CEO of Aurora Labs, Alex Schevchenko introduces Aurora Cloud a new turnkey blockchain solution to facilitate the transition of businesses to Web3 during Consensus 2023.

Amidst the periodic forest fires within crypto, we at Aurora remain steadfast, passionate and committed to the beautiful future we are building for you.

Aurora+ Launch Keynote Event
Aurora CEO, Alex Shevchenko, and Head of Product, Matt Henderson, in a keynote event presenting the launch of our exciting new platform, Aurora+.

Aurora+ Overview
Fast and fun video presenting the highlights of our exciting new platform, Aurora+.

Aurora Labs is building the technology that enables the Aurora protocol to elevate the NEAR and Ethereum ecosystems, helping to bring blockchain accessibility to the masses.

Aurobots NFT collection
Aurobots is an exclusive collection of 111 NFTs created by Lomakin, who's also the author of the famous Mr. Brown. Aurobots collection was created to celebrate the launch of Aurora+.