Rainbow Bridge 1 Year Anniversary
The first anniversary of Rainbow Bridge in numbers.

365 days have passed since the Rainbow Bridge first launched. One year of trustless and permissionless transactions, between NEAR, Ethereum, and Aurora. A year filled with newly supported tokens and constant improvements, a year of confirmation and doubts - filled with success!
Even if we would have loved to organize a big party to celebrate, we thought you might find more interest in something a little bit more useful: numbers. So let’s not wait any longer and let’s dig deep into our favorite bridge’s statistics!
Rainbow Bridge’s transactions
With a total number of 55070 tracked transactions*, the bridge had an average 4589 transactions per month, and 151 per day. *based on data prepared on 13th March 2022
Transactions were split between three contracts:
In total, those transactions resulted in more than 1,135,094,211$ Total Assets Bridged (yes, you read well, more than one BILLION). You can find the source here. It doesn’t even include ERC-20 NEAR!
The top 10 bridged assets were:
- wETH
- wBTC
Rainbow Bridge’s Users
Let's have a look at the people who made it all possible: the users. Spoiler alert: top countries and languages might not be the one you were suspecting first!
These statistics are based on the last 6 months, with 100 622 users and over 204 936 engaged sessions, which means 34156 sessions per month and 1123 per day! Pretty impressive, isn’t it?
Let’s dig deep into the top countries and languages:
Top 10 countries
- United States of America
- Vietnam
- Indonesia
- Russia
- China
- Hong Kong
- United Kingdom
- Thailand
- Japan
- Turkey
Top 10 languages
- English
- Chinese
- Vietnamese
- Russian
- Indonesian
- Turkish
- Spanish
- French
- German
- Korean
Without any surprise, the English language comes first with roughly 50% of visitors using it. The fight between USA and Vietnam was tight with only a 1,2% user difference between these two countries (16,8% and 15,6%)!
The average engagement time per users on the Rainbow Bridge over the past year has been 3min and 34s which is a great compliment to the UX: people find what they want and they don’t bounce!
Rainbow Bridge supported tokens
Many tokens have been added to the list over the past year. The Rainbow Bridge now supports a total of 73 tokens! The full list can be found on Aurora’s website, here. The available token list grows every month, so be sure to check it out once in a while - your favorite token might be coming soon!
This is it for this first year anniversary’s review. Thank you for following Aurora and we hope to see you soon on our social media. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, Medium, Discord, and Telegram to join the community. See ya!