Aurora Social Media Growth in August-October
Aurora social media channels growth over the two-months period from August 15 to October 15, 2021
We have collected social media data and followers statistics of the Aurora social media channels over the two-months period from August 15 to October 15, 2021 to explore how our community reacts to what Aurora has been doing.
It is a pleasure to share the insights from this analysis with you.
One of the most popular social media channels among our community is Twitter. The growth there over the past to months (Aug 15 - Oct 15) has been impressive. We gained over 9,500 followers, or +57% over the period. Kudos to our wonderful followers for the support!
Other Social Media Followers
Other social media channels of Aurora are catching up and also see a substantial growth of followers and engagements. Thank you again!
Aurora Official Telegram Chat does not lag behind Twitter. The number of participants there actually exceeded 10,500 at the moment of writing! We are also excited to see that our community actively subscribes to Aurora Telegram announcements channel and Discord.
We have recently launched a Medium blog which will include only the biggest news and articles about Aurora. Besides, we launched a Telegram Support Chat Bot. Let's see the growth there in the next months as well!
Aurora Website
We are happy to welcome Asian community in the Aurora family, noticing that Vietnam and China are the top two countries in terms of our website visitors.
Similarly, we are just as happy to see users who speak Chinese, Vietnamese, and Russian on our website, although the English language remains dominant at the moment.
Overall, over September 15 - October 15 Aurora website was visited by 9.2k new users!
Follow Us
Follow Aurora on you preferred social media. You are welcome to subscribe, like, comment, share. Let's keep the engagement rolling!
- Telegram Official
- Telegram for Developers
- Telegram Support Chat Bot
- Telegram Announcements Channel
- Telegram Russian Aurora (unofficial, community managed)
- YouTube
- Github
- Discord (including community managed channels in Vietnamese, Chinese, and Russian)
- Medium